Left to Right, Mark Slate, Peter Brooks, Don Koski, Mert Lawwill, Dave Koski and Steve Potts. Don’s displaying a custom 19.5 Sean Walling (SoulCraft) built Bro-Bomber frameset with high polish nickel plating.Sept. 25, 2014 RedBull Rampage, Virgin, Utah. Terry Cox & Donny. Terry’s holding the first prototype Pro Cruiser frame that is based off my prototype that I’m holding. It was the beginning of a Great friendship! We all had an incredible time thanks to the VIP Privileges that were extended to us by Todd Barber the producer of Rampage!Terry Cox holding a Nickel plated Koski Bros. 26in. Retro fork, one of a run of 40 built to Donny’s specs. Terry’s standing in his “Over the Top ” warehouse that would Blow you AWAY!!An original Pro Cruiser ( bought at the Cove Bike Shop) and a Custom 16.5 Bro Bomber built by Sean Walling ( Soulcraft). Both owned by Terry Cox.Terry Cox holding a 19.5 Koski Bros. Bro Bomber. Pro Cruiser and Soulcraft/Koski Bros. Bro Bomber in back.Donny and Terry sharing Past and Present.